180 Degree Turn....Well, Maybe 120....I Wasn't That Bad Off....


I cannot write unless I am passionate. I am not passionate unless I am mad. Thus, my blog has only been updated with posts when I have become especially upset about a situation. I have sat down in fury many times in the last 2 weeks and considered titles for my next blog, including:
  • Hey, While I'm Down Here, Would You Mind Coming Over and Kicking me?
  • Beware the Ides of March.
  • Tell me to to Turn That Smile Upside Down Again... I Dare You.
There were many others not worthy of mention. As I sat here contemplating and growing more and more angry with each word I wrote, I realized that I was only feeding my fury.

A wise friend once told me that whatever I feed into the universe, the universe will give back to me. If I am angry, it will give me more and more reasons and opportunities to be angry. Whatever energy I throw out there, I get back, and I have come to realize how true that is.

I have lived by the saying, "Everything comes in threes", to a degree that probably isn't healthy. When something bad happens, I am just waiting for the next two things to smack me in the face. I become so stressed about the next two things happening, that I almost want to go smack myself with a hammer and then stick a fork in a socket and say "2....3....I'm good!"

What would happen if I turned that energy the other way and changed my perspective? So what if one bad thing happened? I am going to get experience and opportunities from every situation in life and I can make them into whatever I want them to be. If I choose to be happy, the world will compensate and give me opportunities to do so.

No longer will I stalk down the hall burning holes with my eyes (which I apparently do, though I wasn't really aware of it.) No longer will I sit and wait for bad things 1 and 2 to hit. No longer will I allow other people to control my emotions.

Watch out world. It's a whole new Brooke, and she's....happy?


Yer ol' Blog! said...

I don't believe it...happy people eat vegetables. Happy people drink water. Happy people do happy things like...oh crap, you joined institute choir. You are truly born again. You are saved. Hallelujah! Amen.

On a more serious note, I once knew a green bean who was a sad sad sort. He was sad because no matter how much energy he gave to the universe in trying to get Brooke to eat him, she never would. His energy has been in vain the last two decades. It is time to deliver. It is time to deliver to the grean bean. Eat him...in my presence.

Anonymous said...

Great post...